Serving Preschool Through 8th Grade in the San Francisco East Bay Since 1962
Lower School Specialties

Performing Arts

"Music cleanses the understanding; inspires it, lifts it into a realm which it would not reach if it were left to itself." - Henry Ward Beecher

Did You know?

Lower School performances last year included The Wheels on the Bus in Kindergarten and Dorothy's Adventures in the Magical Kingdom of Oz in 1st grade!

Lower School Performing Arts

“The hills are alive with the sound of music” really is true at Seven Hills. Our Performing Arts Program exposes students to a wide variety of artistic genres and styles, fostering a deep appreciation for the performing arts as a dynamic and vibrant form of expression. From exploring diverse musical and theatrical traditions to understanding the historical context of different art forms, students are encouraged to see the world through a creative lens.

In Kindergarten through 2nd grade, our youngest learners focus on singing and integrating performing arts into their classroom learning. Music, theater, movement, and dance become a joyful part of their core curriculum as they explore rhythm, melody, and movement in engaging ways.

As students progress into grades 3-5, instrumental music takes center stage. They begin with xylophones and percussion instruments before moving on to the recorder in 3rd grade, where they learn about notation and the music staff. By 4th grade, students are introduced to the ukulele, and in 5th grade, they begin exploring string instruments like violin, viola, cello, and string bass, building a solid foundation for future musical endeavors.

Key values of the Performing Arts Program include:

  • Self-Expression and Creativity: Students are encouraged to explore their artistic ideas—whether composing music, writing scripts, or adapting existing works. Our program provides a supportive environment where creativity thrives.

  • Collaboration: Performing as part of a group or ensemble helps students develop important interpersonal and collaborative skills. By learning to listen to others, respond to cues, and synchronize with fellow performers, students grow as communicators and team players.

  • Character Building: The performing arts teach discipline, perseverance, and the value of practice. As students work hard to refine their skills, they gain self-confidence and learn the rewards of dedication and patience.

  • Community Building: Regular performances allow students to share their talents with their peers, parents, and the broader community. From Green and White Day assemblies to concerts, plays, and recitals, students have many opportunities to shine on stage, fostering a sense of pride and belonging within our school community.

Our Performing Arts Program aims to cultivate a lifelong love for the arts, develop life skills, and engage both the spirit of the individual and the community through the power of artistic expression.